Sunday, June 5, 2011

Modeling the Earth

The basic idea of my model lesson is that I used a large Earth ball to model how the movement of the Earth affects life on Earth. We talked about tilt, rotation, and revolution.  The hardest part was that this was suposed to be a review for the students and I found they didn't remember many of the things that we had already talked about.  I was happy to see that after this activity they were able to fill out a concept map about the different movements and connect them to the coresponding affects.  I think that it worked even better because the students were actually parts of the model and moving the Earth themselves.


  1. Hello,

    I was just wondering if the students utilized a model for the first discussion on tilt, revolution, and rotation (ie. before this review)? Do you think that the use of the model made a large difference? Amy

  2. Amy,
    We did some modeling in class when we first went over the concepts. I had a globe and I had a student stand with a light in the middle of the room and then we would tilt, rotate, and revolve the Earth to show how that would affect the Earth. I have tried it many times and still can't get it to look exactly like I would like it to but I think it helped a lot, unfortunately they still had trouble remembering it later.

  3. Meg-

    It really is so frustrating when they can't remember activities that you've spent so much time on, done cool labs, shown cool movie clips, etc.!!!
