Sunday, March 6, 2011

Web 2.0

Web 2.0

I am really excited to learn new ways to presents ideas.  I also enjoy giving these ideas to my students, who are always looking for alternative and technological ways to present their projects.  I have exposed my students to but have not had time to become familiar with it myself.  I have gone through the tutorial but that is about it.  So far I really like prezi.  It is a fun new twist on power points and I feel that it keeps the students engaged while they are creating and presenting.  I really like that I can make just one login for all of my classes and then students just keep all of their work there.  Also they can then work on presentations outside of school because they can access it at home through the internet.  I have had some problems with prezi in that sometimes the website is down.  When this happens there is no way for my students to work on or present their presentation.  Hopefully this is something that the company is working on to make it reliable.  Even with this I would really like to continue to learn more about and use it for my project during this class.  

The other type of technology that I explored was the museum box.  I really like the idea behind the presentation.  I feel that if my students look at their presentation as a museum box it will help them to better organize their ideas.  The problem that I had with it was that there was no tutorial like there was with prezi so it was hard to try and get started and figure out what the end product would look like.  Also you have to register your school and they have to call the school and accept it.  On top of that you need a separate login for each student. I am hoping that I could just come up with one login for everyone as setting this up for 80-100 students would take a while.  


  1. You bring up some very good points about having one login and having the students keep their work there. Also it is wonderful that the students would be able to work on them at home as long as they had internet access. How often have you come across the site being down?


  2. Julie,
    Thanks I am really excited to become better at it so that I can encourage it's use more in my classroom.
