Sunday, September 19, 2010

First blog on blogger- 5 E's

Alright lets try this again.  Sorry to all about changing my blog I was having a little difficulty with the other one.  So this is the first time that I have written my own blog and I'm a little bit excited about it but nervous as well because I have had some trouble so far.  So here goes.

 Anyways again, in response to my STEM lesson this week.  The format was a little helpful except I found it redundant in some areas.  I feel that I usually use the 5 E’s in my project plans to ensure that the students are involved in the process.  Some problems that I see with the project are some parents will not respond to the interviews that my students give and some of the professionals will not write back to the students making it hard for them to complete the project.  That is why I try to find professionals for them to write to that I know will respond.


  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to let you know that the new blog looks great and that I am going to update the master blog list. I will also e-mail all members in your blog group to make sure that they are aware of the change. Please let me know if you have any questions! Amy

  2. Hi Meg,
    I agree that the new lesson format is a little redundant with the 5E section and the learning experience. Sounds like you have started out great though and have found ways to help your students succeed. Wish the best of luck to you.

  3. Hello!

    Do you think it would be possible to create a list of professionals who would make a commitment to writing the students back? I can see how this might be a lot of work, but perhaps even having a small list that could serve as a "back-up" might help to ensure the success of this project. Amy
